Love is...

The new Prodi government has been discussing fighting about their finance policy for months. After months of fighting, the looser is… you and me.
Viva la finanizaria covers the situation pretty well (make sure your audio is on):
Viva la finanziaria
viva la finanziaria
per mi per mi
ti do il colpo di grazia
è il colpo di grazia agli italiani
arriva e arriva
quando arriva e arriva colpisce te
colpisce te non colpisce me
sono io l'uomo nero
porto via per davvero i tuoi capital
i tuoi capital i tuoi capital
paga paga paga paga paga pà la finanziaria
è tutta qua!
I already face 100+ euro extra in taxes per month. It will probably be twice that much after this month when the local regional taxes kick in as well :-(
It is at times like this that I wish I had the right to vote in Italy
P.S. More fun to help you look at the bright side of life @ R101
Google uses this doodle today in honor of Valentine's day:
Eh? Googe? Or is the strawberry supposed to make a small green L?
Iditarod I can understand, but only in America do they practice the sport(?) of idiotarods:
Only the Swedes could think of something like this…
Moving the town piece by piece:
Some buildings will be torn down and rebuilt. Others -- including a historic wooden church once voted Sweden's most beautiful building -- will be taken down piece by piece and reassembled in their new locale.
Why? To get more iron out of the ground:
The Arctic town of Kiruna, Sweden's northernmost municipality, is under threat as cracks caused by decades of iron ore mining slowly erode its foundations.
So two years ago the municipal council decided to move more than half of the town from the shadow of Kiirunavaara mountain, site of the world's largest underground mine.
This month it chose the new site for Kiruna's centre, at the base of Luossavaara mountain, about 4 km (2.5 miles) away.
The town's deputy mayor puts the cost of moving the buildings at about 30 billion Swedish crowns ($4.28 billion), not including rerouting the railway and roads.